1.Primordial germ cell is derived from:
D.Mesodermal sinus
2.Movements of pronation & supination occurs in all the following joints except,
A.Superior radio-ulnar joint
B.Middle radio-ulnar joint
C.Inferior radio-ulnar joint
D.Radio-carpal joint
3.About Posterior cruciate ligament -true statement is
A.Attached to the lateral femoral condyle
C.Prevents posterior dislocation of tibia
D.Relaxed in full flexion
4.Structures that pass from thorax to abdomen behind the diaphragm are all except
A.Azygos vein
C.Thoracic duct
D.Greater splanchnic nerve
5.Most common site of Morgagni Hernia is
A.Left Anterior
B.Right posterior
C.Right Anterior
D.Left posterior
6.Structures that does not cross the midline is
A.Left gonadal vein
B.Left renal vein
C.Left branchiocephalic vein
D.Hemizygos vein
7.Porto-systemic shunt is not seen in
D.Gastro Esophageal
8.Injury to the male urethra below the perineal membrane causes urine to accumulate in
A.Superficial perineal pouch
B.Deep perineal pouch
C.Space of retzius
D.Pouch of douglas
9.All are true about the trigone of the urinary bladder except
A.Mucosa is loosely associated to the underlying musculature
B.Mucosa is smooth
C.It is lined by transitional epithelium
D.It is derived from the absorbed part of the mesonephric duct
10.Supports of the uterus are all except
A.Uterosacral ligament
B.Braod ligament
C.Mackenrodts ligament
D.Levator ani
11.Posterior communicating artery a branch of
A.Internal carotid
B.External carotid
C.Middle cerebral
D.Posterior superior cerebellar
12.Which of the following is not a branch of Cavernous segment of Internal Carotid Artery?
A.Cavernous Branch
B.Inferior Hypophyseal Branch
C.Meningeal branch
D.Opthalmic branch
13.Difference between typical cervical & thoracic vertebral
A.Has a triangular body
B.Has a foramen transversarium
C.Superior articular facet directed backwards & upwards
D.Has a large vertebral body
14.Which of this part of vertebral canal will show secondary curves with concavity backwards?